Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Here are some good links if you want to help the fight for legalization!!!!!!

I've been running around trying to figure out what's going on, and what is the latest... The honest forecast is everyone still dragging their feet... Except for these guys over at NORML they fight for us everyday I see them on the news.. Heres a link, linking you to the main directory for your state legislator and sign your signature with a nice pre written letter! I hope with enough signatures maybe they'll quit dragging their feet and do something about this....

Heres a nother for change.org it's a great website for all kinds of causes not just this one, but I urge people to sign up and start changing the world just by sitting in front of your computer! Who would of known right? That a computer could be so useful, if used right they can become a good source of information and a help with fighting for this cause!


I just put up there three times so it's loud and clear!!! GOOD MAKE CHANGES!!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

We need to legalize weed!

It's time we start looking at science for answers and not a bunch of superstitions!! The older I get and more I realize I don't want any other drug in my life then pot. I feel like I've become a second class citizen because I smoke weed. I work, I pay taxes, and I want to pay taxes on what I smoke. Alcohol I had a bad experience as a child with a parent that drank all the time, and still does to this day. It sucks, because every time I go over there, there are beer cans under bed, behind the dresser, and in the closet... Bags of beer cans laying EVERYWHERE! It's just depressing...
With how many lives alcohol affects, ruins, and kills why didn't we just leave the ban on alcohol? Probably because it was pretty stupid to do that because of the gangsters it made through prohibition on alcohol! Also there were innocent hard working people that were being thrown in jail for something that was really a right to have! Just like it should be a right to be able to do what I want with my body and not have some dick head tell that just because the MAN says it's illegal that I'm not aloud to smoke it! FUCK YOU! I pay taxes, and I'm so sick of someone far away telling me what I can and can't do!
The idea that if we legalize marijuana that EVERYONE is going to stop what they are doing and smoke! As the world stops! YEAH FUCKING RIGHT! Come on republicans enough is enough! You got Vietnam War, you got you DRUG WAR for almost 40 years now, and that is the biggest FAILURE EVER! Then you also got YOUR IRAQI WAR! So I want my fucking pot, leave my weed out of this! Even if it is illegal through my life time, it's not going to make me quit any easier!~ I work my ass of I don't smoke cigarettes and I just want to take the edge off! At least I'm not rapping anyone, or killing anyone.... I'm just trying to live my life and that's it, and I don't want an overzealous government telling me what I can and can't put in my body in fear of what some idiots might do! I got news for you that's not a majority!! The majority is just like me that wants to use it in the privacy in my own home! Thank you!~